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1. 餐厅 - restaurant

  • 我们去餐厅吃晚餐吧。- Let's go to a restaurant for dinner.
  • 这家餐厅的食物很好吃。- The food at this restaurant is delicious.
  • 你知道这附近有什么好的餐厅吗?- Do you know of any good restaurants around here?
  • 2. 酒吧 - bar

  • 我们可以去酒吧喝点东西。- We can go to a bar for a drink.
  • 这家酒吧的氛围很不错。- The atmosphere at this bar is really nice.
  • 你喜欢在酒吧里听音乐吗?- Do you like listening to music at bars?
  • 3. 咖啡馆 - café

  • 我们可以去咖啡馆喝杯咖啡。- We can go to a café for a cup of coffee.
  • 这家咖啡馆的拿铁很好喝。- The latte at this café is really good.
  • 你喜欢在咖啡馆里看书吗?- Do you like reading at cafés?
  • 4. 快餐店 - fast food restaurant

  • 我们可以去快餐店买些汉堡。- We can go to a fast food restaurant to buy some burgers.
  • 这家快餐店的薯条很好吃。- The fries at this fast food restaurant are really good.
  • 你经常去快餐店吃东西吗?- Do you often eat at fast food restaurants?
  • 5. 自助餐厅 - buffet restaurant

  • 我们可以去自助餐厅尝尝不同的菜。- We can go to a buffet restaurant to try different dishes.
  • 这家自助餐厅的海鲜很新鲜。- The seafood at this buffet restaurant is really fresh.
  • 你喜欢在自助餐厅里吃饭吗?- Do you like eating at buffet restaurants?
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