- 春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。
- The spring breeze is proud, the horse's hooves are fast, and in one day, all the flowers in Chang'an are seen.
- 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。
- The mountains are steep and the water is complicated, and there seems to be no way out. But suddenly, the willows are dim and the flowers are bright, and there is another village.
- 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
- Thousands of birds fly over the mountains, and the paths are covered with no human footprints.
- 不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在最高层。
- Do not fear the clouds that cover your eyes, for you are at the highest level.
- 红豆生南国,春来发几枝。
- Red beans grow in the southern land, and a few branches bloom in the spring.