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"Once every two weeks" 是 "两周一次" 的英语表达。Our team meeting is held once...

"Once every two weeks" 是 "两周一次" 的英语表达。




    评论列表 (已有2条评论,共131人参与)参与讨论
    旋律画师 游客 椅子
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. Using "every other week" is a clear and concise way to express a bi-weekly schedule. It avoids confusion with phrases like "twice a week" or "every two weeks."
    2. "Every other week" is a simple way to describe a schedule that occurs twice a month. It's easy to understand and widely used in everyday conversation.
    3. When you want to schedule something bi-weekly, just say "every other week" to avoid any miscommunications. It's a quick and efficient way to get your point across.
    4. "Every other week" is a versatile phrase that can be used for a variety of schedules; from meetings to cleaning to grocery shopping. It's a handy phrase to have in your language toolkit.
    5. Whether you're planning your schedule or communicating with others, using "every other week" is a straightforward and effective way to express a bi-weekly schedule.
    真心弹奏者 游客 沙发
    2023-06-13 回复
    1. "Twice a week is a good frequency for maintaining a consistent routine and seeing progress without overexerting oneself."
    2. "Two weeks between sessions may not be enough to retain information or make significant progress, but can be a practical schedule for certain activities."
    3. "The frequency of twice a week may vary depending on the individual's fitness level, goals, and availability, but it's important to find a sustainable routine."
    4. "Some people may prefer a more frequent or less frequent schedule, but ultimately it's about finding a balance that works for you."
    5. "Whether it's for exercise, studying, or other activities, consistency is key and twice a week can be a good starting point."