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1. The passing of youthShe mourned the passing of her youth as she turned 30.He felt the...

1. The passing of youth

  • She mourned the passing of her youth as she turned 30.
  • He felt the passing of youth keenly as he watched his children grow up.
  • They reminisced about the passing of their youth as they looked through old photo albums.
  • 2. The fading of youth

  • She felt the fading of her youth as she noticed the first signs of wrinkles on her face.
  • He was aware of the fading of his youth as he struggled to keep up with the younger members of his sports team.
  • They talked about the fading of their youth as they watched the sunset on the beach.
  • 3. The loss of youth

  • She grieved the loss of her youth as she realized she could no longer do the things she used to.
  • He lamented the loss of his youth as he looked back on his wild and carefree days.
  • They acknowledged the loss of their youth as they attended their high school reunion.
  • 4. The departure of youth

  • She felt the departure of her youth as she left college and entered the workforce.
  • He experienced the departure of his youth as he moved away from his hometown and started a new life.
  • They reflected on the departure of their youth as they watched their own children grow up.
  • 5. The passing of time

  • She realized that the passing of time had taken its toll on her youthful appearance.
  • He was reminded of the passing of time as he celebrated his 50th birthday.
  • They were aware of the passing of time as they saw how much the world had changed since their youth.
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