1. 一马当先 - take the lead
He always takes the lead in organizing charity events.我们需要有人一马当先,领导我们完成这项任务。2. 画蛇添足 - add something superfluous
Don't add too many decorations to the cake, it's like drawing legs on a snake.他总是喜欢画蛇添足,把本来简单的事情复杂化了。3. 亡羊补牢 - mend the fold after the sheep are lost
It's better to prevent the problem from happening in the first place than to try to mend the fold after the sheep are lost.他们现在才想起来亡羊补牢,已经晚了。4. 杀鸡儆猴 - kill the chicken to scare the monkey
The boss fired one employee as a way to kill the chicken to scare the monkey and make the others work harder.政府采取了严厉措施,杀鸡儆猴,以防止其他人犯同样的错误。5. 守株待兔 - wait idly for opportunities
He's just sitting around waiting for opportunities to come to him, like the farmer who waited for the rabbit to hit the tree.我们不能守株待兔,应该积极寻找机会。