平原英语可以说是"plain English",也可以说是"simple English"。
1. 我们需要用平原英语来解释这个概念,以便让所有人都能理解。
We need to explain this concept in plain English so that everyone can understand.
2. 他的演讲很生动,但是我更喜欢他用平原英语讲解的部分。
His speech was engaging, but I preferred the part where he explained things in simple English.
3. 这篇文章用了很多专业术语,不太适合普通读者,我们需要用平原英语来重写它。
This article uses a lot of technical jargon and may not be suitable for the general reader. We need to rewrite it in plain English.
4. 为了让这个政策更容易理解,我们需要用平原英语编写一份简短的说明。
To make this policy easier to understand, we need to write a brief explanation in simple English.
5. 我们的宣传材料需要使用平原英语,以便吸引更多的读者。
Our promotional materials need to use plain English in order to attract more readers.