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"German hobby essay"可以翻译为 "German hobby composition" 或者 "German...

"German hobby essay"可以翻译为 "German hobby composition" 或者 "German leisure activity essay"。以下是几组中德双语例句:

1. 我的爱好是看电影和旅行。我喜欢看各种类型的电影,特别是科幻和动作片。我也喜欢去不同的国家旅行,了解不同的文化和风景。My hobbies are watching movies and traveling. I enjoy watching all kinds of movies, especially sci-fi and action films. I also like to travel to different countries and learn about different cultures and landscapes.

2. 我最喜欢的爱好是弹钢琴。我从小就开始学习钢琴,现在已经有十年的经验了。弹钢琴可以让我放松身心,享受美妙的音乐。My favorite hobby is playing the piano. I started learning piano when I was young and now have ten years of experience. Playing the piano can help me relax and enjoy beautiful music.

3. 我喜欢阅读和写作。我经常读小说和散文,也喜欢写一些短篇小说和诗歌。阅读和写作可以让我放松身心,同时也可以提高我的语言表达能力。I enjoy reading and writing. I often read novels and essays, and also like to write some short stories and poems. Reading and writing can help me relax and improve my language skills.

4. 我的爱好是健身和跑步。我每天都会去健身房锻炼身体,也会在户外跑步。健身和跑步可以让我保持健康,同时也可以提高我的体能和耐力。My hobbies are fitness and running. I go to the gym to exercise every day and also run outdoors. Fitness and running can help me stay healthy and improve my physical strength and endurance.

5. 我喜欢画画和摄影。我经常画一些风景和人物的素描,也喜欢用相机记录生活中的美好瞬间。画画和摄影可以让我表达自己的创意和感受,同时也可以让我欣赏美丽的艺术作品。I enjoy drawing and photography. I often sketch landscapes and people, and also like to use a camera to capture beautiful moments in life. Drawing and photography can help me express my creativity and feelings, and also allow me to appreciate beautiful works of art.




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