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1. How do you say "我爱你" in English?

  • How do you say "我爱你" in English?
  • What's the English equivalent of "我爱你"?
  • How would you translate "我爱你" into English?
  • 2. What is the current exchange rate for USD to EUR?

  • What is the current exchange rate for USD to EUR?
  • How much is one USD worth in EUR right now?
  • What's the current conversion rate for USD to EUR?
  • 3. Can you recommend a good restaurant in this area?

  • Can you recommend a good restaurant in this area?
  • Do you know of any good restaurants around here?
  • Could you suggest a nice place to eat nearby?
  • 4. Where can I find the nearest gas station?

  • Where can I find the nearest gas station?
  • Is there a gas station nearby?
  • Can you tell me where the closest gas station is?
  • 5. What time does the train leave?

  • What time does the train leave?
  • When is the departure time for the train?
  • At what time does the train depart?
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