- N +




1. Bon appétit! - Enjoy your meal!

  • Bon appétit! Would you like some more wine?
  • Enjoy your meal! This is the best restaurant in town.
  • 2. Comment ça va? - How are you?

  • Comment ça va? I haven't seen you in a while.
  • How are you? Are you feeling better today?
  • 3. Merci beaucoup! - Thank you very much!

  • Merci beaucoup! Your help is greatly appreciated.
  • Thank you very much! You're always so kind to me.
  • 4. Je suis désolé(e) - I'm sorry

  • Je suis désolé(e), I didn't mean to offend you.
  • I'm sorry, I forgot to call you back yesterday.
  • 5. Au revoir! - Goodbye!

  • Au revoir! It was nice to see you again.
  • Goodbye! Have a safe trip home.
  • 返回列表



      评论列表 (已有3条评论,共133人参与)参与讨论
      幸福的跳跃者 游客 地板
      2023-06-12 回复
      1. Learning French is essential for anyone who wants to communicate effectively in Francophone countries or understand French culture. It is a beautiful language that has a rich history and is still widely spoken around the world.
      2. French is a challenging but rewarding language to learn. With its complex grammar and pronunciation, it requires dedication and practice, but the ability to speak French opens up many opportunities for travel, work, and personal growth.
      3. For anyone interested in literature, art, music, or cuisine, French is a must-learn language. From classic novels to modern films, French culture has had a major impact on the world, and learning the language helps you connect with it on a deeper level.
      4. Whether you are planning a trip to Paris or hoping to advance your career in an international organization, knowing French can give you a competitive edge. It is a valuable skill that can open doors and enhance your professional and personal life in countless ways.
      幻境糖果 游客 椅子
      2023-06-11 回复
      1. Learning French is a valuable skill in today's global society. The ability to speak the language of love, culture, and diplomacy can open up many opportunities both personally and professionally. Whether you're studying for personal enrichment or career advancement, the challenges of mastering French will reap rewards that last a lifetime.
      2. French is a beautiful and sophisticated language that is spoken by over 300 million people worldwide. Its melodic tones and rich vocabulary make it a joy to learn and speak. Whether you're planning to visit France, work in a French-speaking country, or simply want to expand your linguistic horizons, studying French is a smart investment in your personal growth and development.
      3. If you're looking to impress your friends and colleagues, mastering French is a surefire way to do so. With its elegant syntax and nuanced grammar, French is a language that commands respect and admiration. By learning French, you'll not only gain new insights into other cultures, but also enhance your own communication skills and cultural competency. So why wait? Start learning French today and take your language proficiency to the next level.
      彩虹跳跃者 游客 沙发
      2023-06-11 回复
      1. Learning French can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding.
      2. French is often considered a language of love and romance, adding to its allure.
      3. The intricacies of French grammar and pronunciation make it a fascinating language to study.
      4. Speaking French can open up opportunities to connect with people from all around the world.
      5. Whether you're learning for personal or professional reasons, mastering French is a valuable skill.