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1. 表达想法

I want to express my opinion on this matter. (我想表达我对这件事的看法。)

She expressed her dissatisfaction with the new policy. (她表达了对新政策的不满。)

We need to find a way to express our gratitude to them. (我们需要找到一种方式来表达我们对他们的感激之情。)

2. 表达感情

He expressed his love for her in a heartfelt letter. (他在一封发自内心的信中表达了对她的爱。)

She couldn't help but express her excitement when she heard the news. (她听到这个消息后忍不住表达了兴奋之情。)

We all expressed our condolences to the family of the deceased. (我们都向逝者的家人表达了慰问之意。)

3. 表达意见

Can you express your thoughts on this issue? (你能表达一下你对这个问题的想法吗?)

He expressed his disagreement with the decision. (他表达了对这个决定的不同意。)

We need to express our concerns about the safety of the new product. (我们需要表达对新产品安全性的担忧。)

4. 表达感谢

I want to express my thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success. (我想向所有帮助这个活动成功的人表达感谢。)

She expressed her gratitude to the doctors and nurses who saved her life. (她向拯救她生命的医生和护士表达了感激之情。)

We can't express how grateful we are for your generosity. (我们无法表达对你的慷慨的感激之情。)

5. 表达歉意

He expressed his apologies for being late. (他为迟到道歉。)

She expressed her regret for not being able to attend the wedding. (她为不能参加婚礼而表示遗憾。)

We need to express our apologies to the customer for the mistake we made. (我们需要向顾客道歉,因为我们犯了错误。)




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