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悲哀用英语怎么说:sadness, sorrow, grief, lamentation

1. 我感到非常悲哀,因为我失去了我的最好的朋友。 (I feel very sad because I lost my best friend.)

2. 她的悲哀故事让我感到心痛。(Her sad story makes me feel heartbroken.)

3. 在这个悲哀的时刻,我们需要互相支持。(In this moment of grief, we need to support each other.)

4. 他的离开给我们带来了无尽的悲哀。(His departure brought us endless sorrow.)

5. 他们在葬礼上唱着悲哀的歌曲,为逝去的亲人哀悼。(They sang mournful songs at the funeral, mourning their lost loved one.)




    评论列表 (已有4条评论,共137人参与)参与讨论
    梦幻冒险家 游客 4楼
    2023-06-15 回复
    1. It's heart-wrenching to witness someone experience such profound sadness.
    2. The sorrow and pain that they feel is palpable and deeply saddening.
    3. My heart breaks for those who are going through such unimaginable grief and despair.
    4. There's a profound sense of melancholy that lingers long after the tears have dried.
    5. It's devastating to see someone struggle with such profound sorrow and anguish.
    心之旅者 游客 地板
    2023-06-15 回复
    1. It's heartbreaking to see someone go through such sorrow.
    2. The sadness is palpable in the atmosphere.
    3. My heart aches for those who are experiencing such tragedy.
    4. The weight of grief feels unbearable at times.
    5. It's a reminder that life is not always fair or easy.
    彩虹飞行员 游客 椅子
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. It's heartbreaking to witness such tragedy unfold before our eyes.
    2. The sorrow and despair can be felt in every fiber of my being.
    3. There's a deep sense of grief that weighs heavily on my heart.
    4. The overwhelming sadness is almost unbearable to bear.
    5. I'm deeply saddened by the loss and devastation that surrounds us.
    幻境旅行者 游客 沙发
    2023-06-09 回复
    1. How sad it is to see such despair and heartbreak.
    2. My heart aches with sorrow and grief at the tragic events that have occurred.
    3. The weight of sadness overwhelms me as I reflect on the loss and pain experienced by others.
    4. There is nothing more poignant than the sight of tears and the sound of broken hearts.
    5. It's devastating to witness the aftermath of tragedy and the toll it takes on the human spirit.