1. 电脑 - computer
- 我需要一台新电脑来处理我的工作。- I need a new computer to handle my work.
- 他喜欢在电脑上玩游戏。- He likes to play games on the computer.
- 这台电脑速度非常快。- This computer is very fast.
- 我把手机落在了家里。- I left my mobile phone at home.
- 这款手机的相机非常好。- The camera on this mobile phone is very good.
- 我的手机屏幕坏了,需要修理。- The screen on my mobile phone is broken and needs to be repaired.
- 我戴着眼镜才能看清楚。- I need to wear glasses to see clearly.
- 这副眼镜非常漂亮。- These glasses are very stylish.
- 我把眼镜弄丢了,需要重新配一副。- I lost my glasses and need to get a new pair.
- 请把餐具摆好,我们要开始用餐了。- Please set the tableware, we are ready to eat.
- 这套餐具非常精美。- This set of tableware is very elegant.
- 我需要买一套新的餐具,因为我的旧的已经破了。- I need to buy a new set of tableware because my old one is broken.
- 我喜欢在晚上看书。- I like to read books at night.
- 这本书非常有趣,我一口气读完了。- This book is very interesting, I read it in one sitting.
- 我需要去图书馆借一些书籍。- I need to go to the library to borrow some books.
2. 手机 - mobile phone
3. 眼镜 - glasses
4. 餐具 - tableware
5. 书籍 - books