放弃日语学英语怎么说:Give up learning Japanese and switch to learning English.
1. 我决定放弃日语学英语,因为英语更适合我的职业规划。 (I decided to give up learning Japanese and switch to learning English because it's more suitable for my career plan.)
2. 如果你发现自己在学习日语上遇到了困难,不妨考虑放弃日语学英语。 (If you find yourself struggling with learning Japanese, you may want to consider giving up and switching to learning English.)
3. 我的朋友曾经放弃了学习日语,转而学习英语,现在她已经成为一名优秀的英语翻译。 (My friend once gave up learning Japanese and switched to learning English, and now she has become an excellent English translator.)
4. 放弃日语学英语并不容易,但如果你有足够的决心和毅力,一定能够成功。 (Giving up learning Japanese and switching to learning English is not easy, but if you have enough determination and perseverance, you can definitely succeed.)
5. 如果你想要在国际舞台上获得更多的机会,放弃日语学英语是一个不错的选择。 (If you want to have more opportunities on the international stage, giving up learning Japanese and switching to learning English is a good choice.)