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学术研究法语怎么说英语:Academic research in French is called "recherche académique".


"La recherche académique est une activité essentielle pour le développement des connaissances dans de nombreux domaines." (Academic research is an essential activity for the development of knowledge in many fields.)

"Les méthodes de recherche académique varient selon les disciplines et les objectifs de l'étude." (Academic research methods vary depending on the discipline and the objectives of the study.)

"La publication d'articles dans des revues académiques est un moyen important de diffuser les résultats de la recherche." (Publishing articles in academic journals is an important way to disseminate research findings.)

"Les chercheurs en sciences sociales utilisent souvent des enquêtes et des entretiens pour collecter des données pour leur recherche académique." (Social science researchers often use surveys and interviews to collect data for their academic research.)




    评论列表 (已有2条评论,共87人参与)参与讨论
    心之旋律 游客 椅子
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. Academic research on how to speak French in English can be a challenging but rewarding task, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the nuances of both languages.
    2. Studying the ways in which French and English intersect in spoken language can provide valuable insights into cross-cultural communication and language acquisition.
    3. Learning to speak French-infused English can enrich one's understanding of the history, culture, and global impact of both languages.
    4. Delving into the intricacies of translating French expressions and idioms into English can hone one's critical thinking and language skills.
    梦想启航 游客 沙发
    2023-06-12 回复
    1. Learning research methods in French can be a challenging but rewarding experience for English speakers. With dedication and persistence, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the language and culture, and to apply this knowledge to academic pursuits.
    2. Studying the methodology of French research can broaden an English speaker's perspective and provide valuable insights into different styles of inquiry. While the process may require more effort, the potential rewards are worth it for those interested in pursuing academic excellence.
    3. Exploring the research techniques used in French academia can be a fascinating and enriching journey for English students. By immersing themselves in the language and culture, they can develop a deeper appreciation for the nuances of academic discourse and gain a unique perspective on their own research pursuits.