The phrase "importing French words" can be translated into English as "l'...
The phrase "importing French words" can be translated into English as "l'importation de mots français".
Here are some bilingual examples of how to say "importing French words" in English:
- Many English speakers are not aware of how many words they use that have been imported from French.
- Le français a une grande influence sur l'anglais, avec de nombreux mots importés de la langue française.
- Importing French words into English has been happening for centuries, and it continues to this day.
- La pratique d'importer des mots français dans la langue anglaise a commencé au Moyen Âge.
- Some French words have become so common in English that they are no longer even thought of as being foreign.
- Des mots tels que "restaurant" et "rendezvous" sont si courants en anglais qu'ils sont considérés comme faisant partie intégrante de la langue.