答辩记录表法语怎么说英语:Defense Record
- La défense a présenté des arguments convaincants lors de la lecture du défenseur dans le procès.
- (The defense presented convincing arguments during the defense counsel's reading in the trial.)
- Le juge a pris note de tous les points soulevés dans la défense lors de la plaidoirie.
- (The judge took note of all the points raised in the defense during the plea.)
- La défense a souligné l'absence de preuves concrètes contre l'accusé.
- (The defense emphasized the lack of concrete evidence against the accused.)
2. It's important to accurately record all the details of the defense in this document.
3. This record is essential for ensuring that all necessary information is properly documented and can be referred to in the future.
4. In English, the term "defense record form" is commonly used to describe this document.
5. Overall, the accuracy and completeness of the defense record form is crucial for successful defense proceedings.
2. It's important to have accurate and detailed defense record forms to ensure accountability and transparency during any legal or regulatory proceedings.
3. The defense record form is an essential document that captures the questions, responses, and decisions made during a legal defense or hearing.
4. The use of defense record forms is common practice in many legal systems worldwide, as it provides an impartial record of the proceedings.
2. The use of French terminology in academic settings, such as during a thesis defense, is common and reflects the country's cultural and linguistic heritage.
3. For non-French speakers, it may be helpful to familiarize oneself with common terms and phrases used in academic settings to better understand and participate in the discussion.
4. Overall, incorporating different languages and linguistic traditions can enrich academic discourse and promote cross-cultural understanding.
2. The use of a defense record sheet to record proceedings during a French defense session is a common practice.
3. It is important to ensure that accurate and complete information is recorded on the defense record sheet to facilitate follow-up actions.
4. The French system's attention to detail during defense sessions is commendable and provides a clear record of proceedings.
5. While the use of a defense record sheet is not universal, it is a valuable tool for maintaining accountability and transparency.