警察局俄语发音:полицейский участок (pa-lee-tseî-skee oo-chas-tok)
1. 我需要去警察局报案。 (Ya na-dye-ju yee-khat' v po-lee-tseî-skee oo-chas-tok ba-ra-ns)
I need to go to the police station to report a crime.
2. 警察局在哪里? (Po-lee-tseî-skee oo-chas-tok v gdee?)
Where is the police station?
3. 我被抢了,我需要到警察局报案。 (Ya byl o-ra-nen, ya na-dye-ju da po-lee-tseî-skee oo-chas-tok ba-ra-ns)
I was robbed, I need to go to the police station to report it.
4. 警察局的电话号码是多少? (Te-le-fon po-lee-tseî-skee oo-chas-tok da skol'-ka?)
What is the phone number of the police station?
5. 警察局的工作时间是什么时候? (Ra-bo-ta po-lee-tseî-skee oo-chas-tok da ka-ka-vye va-re-myaa?)
What are the working hours of the police station?