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1. 我叫安娜,来自德国柏林。我毕业于柏林自由大学,学习了商业管理专业。我曾在柏林一家跨国公司工作,负责市场营销和销售。我喜欢旅行,尤其是去亚洲和南美洲。我也喜欢阅读和学习新的语言。

My name is Anna and I come from Berlin, Germany. I graduated from the Free University of Berlin with a degree in Business Administration. I have worked for a multinational company in Berlin, responsible for marketing and sales. I enjoy traveling, especially to Asia and South America. I also enjoy reading and learning new languages.

2. 你好,我是汉斯。我来自德国慕尼黑,现在在柏林工作。我是一名软件工程师,专注于开发移动应用程序。我曾在慕尼黑一家初创公司工作,负责开发一个在线购物平台。我喜欢音乐和户外运动,尤其是滑雪和登山。

Hello, my name is Hans. I come from Munich, Germany and currently work in Berlin. I am a software engineer specializing in mobile app development. I have worked for a startup company in Munich, responsible for developing an online shopping platform. I enjoy music and outdoor activities, especially skiing and mountaineering.

3. 我叫萨宾娜,来自汉堡。我是一名翻译,擅长英语和法语。我曾在汉堡一家国际翻译公司工作,负责翻译商务文件和会议。我喜欢旅行和摄影,尤其是拍摄自然风景。

My name is Sabrina and I come from Hamburg, Germany. I am a translator specializing in English and French. I have worked for an international translation company in Hamburg, responsible for translating business documents and conferences. I enjoy traveling and photography, especially capturing natural landscapes.

4. 你好,我是卡尔。我来自法兰克福,现在在柏林学习。我是一名艺术家,擅长绘画和雕塑。我曾在法兰克福一家画廊工作,参与组织艺术展览。我喜欢探索城市和参加文化活动,尤其是音乐会和展览。

Hello, my name is Karl. I come from Frankfurt, Germany and currently study in Berlin. I am an artist specializing in painting and sculpture. I have worked for an art gallery in Frankfurt, involved in organizing art exhibitions. I enjoy exploring cities and participating in cultural activities, especially concerts and exhibitions.

5. 我叫安德烈,来自斯图加特。我是一名机械工程师,擅长设计和制造。我曾在斯图加特一家汽车制造公司工作,负责开发新的发动机技术。我喜欢运动和健身,尤其是足球和篮球。

My name is Andreas and I come from Stuttgart, Germany. I am a mechanical engineer specializing in design and manufacturing. I have worked for a car manufacturing company in Stuttgart, responsible for developing new engine technologies. I enjoy sports and fitness, especially football and basketball.

德语自我介绍 高阶德语自我介绍 德语自我介绍范文 德语自我介绍模板 德语自我介绍常用语




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