阿拉伯语屠夫在中文中可以翻译为“سَفَّاح”或“قاتِل الْمَذْبوحات”. 以下是几组阿拉伯语屠夫怎么说的中文双语例句:
- 这个屠夫是个阿拉伯人,他的祖辈都是从事这个行业的。- This butcher is an Arab, and his ancestors have all been in this industry.
- 他是个出色的屠夫,每天早晨都会准时到达市场。- He is an excellent butcher and always arrives at the market on time every morning.
- 这个屠夫的技术非常高超,他能够迅速地将一头牛宰杀并分割成各个部位。- This butcher is very skilled and can quickly slaughter and divide a cow into various parts.
- 这个屠夫的工作很危险,因为他需要使用锋利的刀具进行操作。- The work of this butcher is very dangerous because he needs to use sharp knives to operate.