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小三用英语可以说 "mistress" 或者 "third party"。




    评论列表 (已有7条评论,共96人参与)参与讨论
    彩色涟漪 游客 7楼
    2023-06-15 回复
    1. Being a third party in a relationship is never acceptable and causes a lot of pain and damage to everyone involved.
    2. It's never okay to interfere in someone else's relationship and try to break them apart.
    3. Third parties should respect boundaries and leave couples alone to work through their issues.
    4. Cheating and being a mistress/mister is never justifiable, it's a betrayal of trust and shows a lack of respect for oneself and others.
    5. The consequences of being a third party can be severe, including emotional trauma, social stigma, and legal consequences in some countries.
    晨光之鹰 游客 6楼
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. "Being a mistress is never a position to be proud of." It is morally wrong to engage in a relationship with someone who is already committed to someone else.
    2. "Third parties should learn to respect others' relationships." It is essential to acknowledge the boundaries of a couple and refrain from interfering in any way.
    3. "Cheating is always wrong, no matter who you are." It is crucial to remain loyal and faithful to your partner, and any form of infidelity should be condemned.
    4. "Small actions of kindness and understanding can prevent extramarital affairs." It is necessary to communicate with your partner and address any issues that may arise to prevent the possibility of a third-party involvement.
    5. "Being a homewrecker will only lead to heartbreak and regret in the end." Karma has a way of catching up, and the consequences of engaging in a relationship with a committed individual will eventually manifest.
    爱心舞者 游客 5楼
    2023-06-10 回复
    1. Being a third party in a relationship is never a good idea.
    2. Interfering in someone else's relationship is selfish and immoral.
    3. It is disrespectful to knowingly pursue or engage with someone who is already in a committed relationship.
    4. Small actions can have big consequences, and being a small third party can lead to major emotional turmoil for all involved.
    5. It's important to remember that every person deserves respect, and being a third party in a relationship goes against that basic principle.
    幻境糖果 游客 4楼
    2023-06-09 回复
    1. "Being a third party in a relationship is never justifiable, it only brings pain and betrayal."
    2. "A third wheel is never a welcome addition to any relationship, it only causes more harm than good."
    3. "There is no excuse for being a mistress or a side-piece, it's a betrayal of trust and disrespect towards oneself."
    4. "Interfering in someone else's relationship is a selfish act that shows a lack of empathy and consideration."
    5. "The only way to avoid being a third party is to respect other people's relationships and focus on finding genuine love and happiness for oneself."
    梦想启航 游客 地板
    2023-06-09 回复
    1. Having a third party involved in a relationship is never a good idea. (在感情关系中牵扯第三方从来都不是好事。)
    2. Being a "mistress" or a "side chick" is not a position of power or respect. (做情妇或小三并不是一种自带权力与尊重的地位。)
    3. Infidelity is a betrayal to all parties involved, including oneself. (不忠是对所有牵涉进来的人,包括自己在内的一种背叛。)
    4. The concept of a "third wheel" is not only unappealing, but also harmful to relationships. (第三者概念不仅不受欢迎,还会对感情关系造成伤害。)
    5. It's important to prioritize honesty and respect in any kind of relationship, and being a "side piece" goes against those values. (无论是何种类型的关系,诚实和尊重都很重要,而做小三违背了这些价值观。)
    彩虹飞行员 游客 椅子
    2023-06-08 回复
    1. Being a third party in a relationship is never okay and shows a lack of respect for both individuals involved.
    2. It's important to remember that the person you're pursuing may already be committed to someone else, so it's best to respect their relationship and move on.
    3. Getting involved with someone who is already in a relationship can lead to hurt and betrayal for all parties involved.
    4. As tempting as it may be, it's important to resist the urge to become a third party in any relationship and instead find someone who is available and interested in pursuing a relationship with you.
    魔法的微笑 游客 沙发
    2023-06-07 回复
    1. Being a "小三" is never a respectable position to be in, as it involves betraying someone's trust and causing pain to others.
    2. The phrase "小三" in Chinese culture implies a negative connotation of being the third person in a romantic relationship, and it is considered to be a shameful label.
    3. Regardless of cultural differences, cheating is always unacceptable, and being a "小三" is a prime example of infidelity that causes emotional distress to all parties involved.