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1. 缺少 (lack)

我们缺少足够的人手来完成这项工作。 (We lack enough manpower to complete this task.)

这个计划缺少可行性研究。 (This plan lacks feasibility study.)

我们缺少经验和知识来解决这个问题。 (We lack experience and knowledge to solve this problem.)

2. 不足 (insufficient)

我们的预算不足以支持这个项目。 (Our budget is insufficient to support this project.)

这个方案的可行性不足以让我们继续推进。 (The feasibility of this plan is insufficient to allow us to proceed.)

他的证据不足以证明他的无辜。 (His evidence is insufficient to prove his innocence.)

3. 缺乏 (lack of)

这个项目缺乏领导者的指导。 (This project lacks the guidance of a leader.)

这个市场缺乏竞争力。 (This market has a lack of competitiveness.)

他们缺乏对这个问题的认识。 (They have a lack of understanding of this problem.)

4. 短缺 (shortage)

这个地区正在经历水资源短缺。 (This region is experiencing a shortage of water resources.)

现在市场上存在人才短缺的问题。 (There is a shortage of talent in the market now.)

这个国家正在努力解决能源短缺的问题。 (This country is working hard to solve the problem of energy shortage.)

5. 缺失 (absence)

这个文件中缺失了重要的信息。 (There is an absence of important information in this document.)

在他的演讲中,缺失了关键的观点。 (There was an absence of key points in his speech.)

这个项目缺失了必要的资源。 (This project has an absence of necessary resources.)

  • lack
  • insufficient
  • lack of
  • shortage
  • absence



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