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1. 才华横溢 - talented and versatileHe is a talented and versatile musician, excelling in bo...

1. 才华横溢 - talented and versatile

  • He is a talented and versatile musician, excelling in both classical and contemporary genres.
  • Her paintings showcase her versatile and talented artistic abilities.
  • 2. 才思敏捷 - quick-witted and sharp-minded

  • He is known for his quick-witted and sharp-minded responses during interviews.
  • Her ability to come up with creative solutions on the spot is a testament to her quick-witted and sharp-minded nature.
  • 3. 才华出众 - exceptionally talented

  • She is an exceptionally talented dancer, with a natural grace and fluidity in her movements.
  • His exceptional talent in mathematics earned him a full scholarship to a top university.
  • 4. 才能横溢 - overflowing with talent

  • The young actress is overflowing with talent, captivating audiences with her performances.
  • He is a multi-talented individual, with a wide range of skills that are all equally impressive.
  • 5. 才思敏锐 - keen intellect

  • Her keen intellect and analytical mind make her an asset to any team.
  • His ability to grasp complex concepts quickly is a testament to his keen intellect.



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