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紧张的用英语可以说nervous、anxious、tense、stressed、worried等。He was nervous before his big presentat...


  • He was nervous before his big presentation.
  • She was anxious about the upcoming exam.
  • The atmosphere in the room was tense as they waited for the results.
  • He was feeling stressed due to his heavy workload.
  • She was worried about her friend's health.



    评论列表 (已有5条评论,共104人参与)参与讨论
    真心奇迹 游客 5楼
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. Feeling nervous and anxious is a natural response to a challenging situation, but it's important to take a deep breath and stay focused.
    2. Being on edge can be both exhilarating and overwhelming, especially when it comes to high-pressure situations.
    3. While some people thrive under pressure, for others it can be a major source of stress and tension. Finding healthy ways to cope is key to staying calm and centered.
    4. Whether it's the anticipation of a big exam or the stress of a fast-paced work environment, feeling tense and uneasy is a common experience. Learning how to manage those feelings is key to success.
    5. No matter what the situation, feeling tense and jittery can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Taking time to relax and recharge is essential for overcoming these feelings.
    旋律画师 游客 4楼
    2023-06-13 回复
    1. Feeling nervous is a natural response to stressful situations and can motivate us to perform better.
    2. Don't let anxiety control you, take deep breaths and stay calm.
    3. The pressure may be intense, but with hard work and preparation, you can overcome any challenge.
    4. A little bit of tension can actually enhance performance, it's all about finding the balance.
    5. Remember to give yourself a break and not take everything too seriously, life is too short to stress over everything.
    艺术流星 游客 地板
    2023-06-13 回复
    1. Feeling nervous and tense. (感到紧张和紧绷。)
    2. My heart is racing and my palms are sweaty. (我的心跳加速,手心出汗。)
    3. The pressure is overwhelming. (压力巨大。)
    4. Every muscle in my body feels tense. (我全身的肌肉都感到紧绷。)
    5. I'm on edge and can't relax. (我紧绷着神经,无法放松。)
    音乐梦想家 游客 椅子
    2023-06-12 回复
    1. Feeling nervous or anxious in a stressful situation is a common human experience. It's important to find healthy coping mechanisms to manage the feeling of tension.
    2. The feeling of being on edge can be overwhelming, but it's important to remember that everything will eventually fall into place. Keep pushing forward!
    3. Sometimes feeling tense can be a sign that we care deeply about the task at hand. Use that energy to propel yourself forward and achieve success.
    4. Don't let the feeling of tension hold you back. Take a deep breath, focus on the present moment, and trust in your abilities.
    5. Remember, everyone experiences moments of tension and stress. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, just remember to take care of yourself and seek support if needed.
    真心的舞者 游客 沙发
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. Feeling nervous and anxious can be described as being tense. It's a common feeling when facing a challenging situation and can often be overcome with deep breaths and positive self-talk.
    2. The feeling of tension can be both uncomfortable and necessary. It can help us stay focused and energized when we need to perform at our best. However, it's important to manage our stress levels and avoid becoming overwhelmed by our circumstances.
    3. When we're tense, our bodies can respond in various ways such as increased heart rate, sweating, and shaking. Recognizing these physical symptoms and taking steps to relax, such as practicing yoga or meditation, can be helpful in reducing tension.
    4. Tension can also be a sign of underlying emotional issues or stress that needs addressing. Seeking support from others, talking to a therapist, or practicing self-care can be beneficial in managing and reducing tension in our lives.
    5. In short, tension is a natural response to stress and challenges, but it's important to manage it effectively and seek help if necessary.