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丢东西用英语怎么说:lose something

1. I think I lost my phone on the bus. 我想我把手机落在公交车上了。

2. Don't lose your keys, or you won't be able to get into the house. 别把钥匙弄丢了,否则你就进不了家门了。

3. She lost her wallet while shopping at the mall. 她在商场购物时把钱包丢了。

4. He always loses his glasses and has to search for them. 他总是弄丢眼镜,然后得去找。

5. The child lost his favorite toy and was very upset. 孩子把最喜欢的玩具弄丢了,很难过。




    评论列表 (已有2条评论,共117人参与)参与讨论
    糖果之旅 游客 椅子
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. Losing things is always frustrating, but it's important to stay calm and retrace your steps. (丢失东西总是令人沮丧,但保持冷静并回想自己的行踪是非常重要的。)
    2. Double-checking your pockets and bags before leaving a place can prevent the stress of losing something important. (在离开一个地方前,仔细检查口袋和包包可以避免丢失重要物品的压力。)
    3. Losing something can feel like the end of the world, but in the grand scheme of things, it's usually a minor setback. (丢失某物可能会让人感觉世界末日,但在宏观上看,这通常只是一个小挫折。)
    4. It's always a good idea to label your belongings with your name and contact information, just in case they get misplaced. (为自己的物品标上姓名和联系信息永远是个好主意,以防它们被误放。)
    5. Sometimes losing something can lead to unexpected discoveries or opportunities, so try to stay positive and see the silver lining. (有时丢失某物会带来意想不到的发现或机会,所以要保持乐观并寻找积极因素。)
    彩虹的微笑 游客 沙发
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. Losing things can be frustrating and inconvenient. It's important to always keep track of your belongings and be mindful of where you place them.
    2. Misplacing objects can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. Taking the time to organize and declutter can help reduce the chances of losing important items.
    3. Forgetting where you put something can be a common occurrence, but it's always best to retrace your steps and search thoroughly before assuming it's gone for good.
    4. Losing personal belongings can be a costly and time-consuming mistake. Maintaining a system of organization and accountability can help prevent loss and alleviate stress.
    5. It's easy to get distracted and forget about your possessions, but making a habit of keeping them in their designated spot can save you a lot of hassle in the long run.