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1. He had a fantasy about flying to the moon on a giant bird. 他幻想着乘坐一只巨鸟飞往月球。

2. The book is a work of fantasy, filled with magical creatures and enchanted lands. 这本书是一部幻想作品,充满了神奇的生物和魔法的土地。

3. Her fantasy of becoming a famous actress never came true. 她成为一名著名演员的幻想从未成真。

4. Some people use drugs to escape into a world of fantasy. 有些人使用毒品来逃避进入一个幻想的世界。

5. The movie was a visual feast, with stunning special effects that brought the fantasy world to life. 这部电影是一场视觉盛宴,惊人的特效让幻想世界栩栩如生。




    评论列表 (已有2条评论,共105人参与)参与讨论
    闪耀之星 游客 椅子
    2023-06-12 回复
    1. Fantasy is a wonderful escape from reality that lets our imaginations run wild and takes us on incredible adventures!
    2. Imagination is the gateway to fantasy, where anything is possible and dreams can come true.
    3. I love the thrill of getting lost in a good fantasy book or movie, it's like stepping into a magical world.
    4. The beauty of fantasy is that it allows us to explore the impossible and see the world in a whole new light.
    真心弹奏者 游客 沙发
    2023-06-12 回复
    1. Fantasy is a wonderful escape from reality, where the possibilities are endless.
    2. Imagination takes us on extraordinary journeys into worlds beyond our wildest dreams.
    3. The beauty of fantasy is that it inspires us to think outside the box and embrace the impossible.
    4. Through fantasy, we can explore the depths of our imagination and discover untold wonders.
    5. Fantasy allows us to step outside of ourselves and experience the impossible, providing endless joy and wonder.