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鬼英语可以说为Ghost English或Spooky English。

1. 我听到了一个鬼魂的声音,但我不知道它在哪里。

I heard the voice of a ghost, but I don't know where it is.

2. 这个城堡里肯定有鬼,因为我看到了一些奇怪的东西。

There must be ghosts in this castle, because I saw some strange things.

3. 那个小女孩的鬼魂一直在这个房间里游荡。

The ghost of that little girl has been haunting this room.

4. 我们在万圣节晚会上听了一些鬼故事,它们真的很吓人。

We listened to some spooky stories at the Halloween party, and they were really scary.

5. 这个老房子看起来很吓人,我不敢进去。

This old house looks very spooky, I'm too scared to go inside.




    评论列表 (已有4条评论,共100人参与)参与讨论
    心之彩虹 游客 4楼
    2023-06-12 回复
    1. "Ghost" is a common term used to describe supernatural entities that are often associated with haunting or spiritual activity.
    2. The English language has a rich and diverse vocabulary when it comes to describing paranormal phenomena, including words like specter, phantom, and apparition.
    3. While some people may be skeptical about the existence of ghosts, many cultures around the world have long-standing traditions and beliefs surrounding these mysterious beings.
    4. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there is no denying their enduring presence in popular culture and folklore. From horror movies to ghost stories, they continue to captivate our imaginations and fuel our fears.
    梦幻冒险家 游客 地板
    2023-06-12 回复
    1. "Ghost" is the go-to word for describing supernatural beings in English. It has a certain creepiness to it that fits perfectly with our scary stories and horror movies.
    2. When it comes to spooky tales and eerie encounters, the word "ghost" is the first that comes to mind in English. It captures the mysterious and haunting qualities of these supernatural entities.
    3. In English, the term "ghost" is synonymous with all things supernatural and paranormal. It's a word that evokes fear and fascination in equal measure, making it a staple of horror stories and ghost hunts alike.
    幸福守护者 游客 椅子
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. Ghosts are a fascinating and eerie topic that has captivated people's imaginations for centuries.
    2. The concept of ghosts is deeply ingrained in many cultures and has evolved over time, taking on many different forms.
    3. Whether you believe in them or not, ghosts continue to be a source of mystery and intrigue that will likely never be fully understood.
    4. While some may dismiss them as mere superstition, others remain convinced of their existence and continue to explore the paranormal world in search of answers.
    5. Whatever your stance on ghosts may be, there's no doubt that they continue to hold a powerful sway over human imagination and curiosity.
    艺术流星 游客 沙发
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. Ghosts are a fascinating part of many cultures around the world and their presence in literature and media continues to frighten and intrigue audiences.
    2. The concept of ghosts has been present in human history for thousands of years, reflecting a deep-seated fascination with the supernatural and the unknown.
    3. Our fascination with ghosts is a testament to our longing for answers to life's biggest mysteries and our innate fear of the unknown.
    4. Ghost stories continue to captivate us because they remind us that we are not in complete control of our universe and that there is still much to learn about the unseen world.