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意中人英语怎么说:crush,infatuation,love interest,object of affection

1. He's been my crush since high school.


2. She developed an infatuation with her boss after he complimented her work.


3. My love interest is a musician who plays in a local band.


4. He's always been my object of affection, but I never had the courage to tell him.





    评论列表 (已有4条评论,共98人参与)参与讨论
    幻境糖果 游客 4楼
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. My crush is the most amazing person I have ever met.
    2. I cannot help but feel butterflies in my stomach every time I see my crush.
    3. My heart skips a beat whenever my eyes meet those of my crush.
    4. I am so grateful for the opportunity to know and admire my wonderful crush.
    5. My crush is not only beautiful/handsome but also intelligent, kind-hearted and funny.
    6. My crush makes my life brighter with every smile and word they say.
    7. I cannot imagine a future without my crush by my side, supporting and loving me.
    真心的舞者 游客 地板
    2023-06-13 回复
    1. My crush is the most amazing person I've ever met.
    2. He/She is the one who makes my heart skip a beat.
    3. I can't stop thinking about him/her, even when we're apart.
    4. Every time I see him/her, my day instantly brightens up.
    5. He/She is my ultimate dream and I hope to be with him/her someday.
    幻境探险家 游客 椅子
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. A crush is someone you find attractive but know little about, whereas a soulmate is someone you connect with on a deeper level and could spend a lifetime with.
    2. Your "heartthrob" is the person who makes your heart skip a beat, the one you can't stop thinking about and dream of being with.
    3. Sometimes we are drawn to certain people for no apparent reason, and they become the object of our affection - our "object of desire".
    4. The person who captures your heart and makes it skip a beat is often referred to as "the one" or "true love".
    5. When you find someone who not only makes you happy but also motivates you to become a better person, you have found your "perfect match".
    音乐梦想家 游客 沙发
    2023-06-10 回复
    1. My crush is the most charming and captivating person I've ever met.
    2. There's something about my crush that just draws me in and leaves me wanting more.
    3. I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach every time I see my crush.
    4. My heart skips a beat every time my crush smiles at me.
    5. I'm head over heels in love with my crush and I can't imagine my life without them.