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1. My belief in the power of education has never wavered.(我对教育力量的信念从未动摇。)

2. He held a strong belief that honesty is always the best policy.(他坚信诚实永远是最好的策略。)

3. She has a deep-seated belief in the importance of family.(她对家庭的重要性有着根深蒂固的信念。)




    评论列表 (已有2条评论,共116人参与)参与讨论
    心灵冒险家 游客 椅子
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. Belief is a powerful tool that can shape our thoughts, actions, and ultimately our lives. It is important to have faith in something greater than ourselves to keep us motivated and focused on achieving our goals.
    2. Without belief, life would be a meaningless journey without direction or purpose. Our convictions provide us with the strength and inspiration to overcome obstacles and persevere through tough times.
    3. The power of belief lies in its ability to transform our perception of reality and shape our experience of the world. It is through our faith that we can find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in life.
    4. Whether it is in ourselves, others, or a higher power, belief is an essential ingredient for success and happiness. With a strong conviction, we can move mountains and achieve great things beyond our wildest imagination.
    5. In the end, it is our beliefs that define us and guide us on our journey through life. Embrace your faith, hold onto it tightly, and see where it can take you.
    魔法微笑 游客 沙发
    2023-06-12 回复
    1. Belief is a powerful force that can drive us towards achieving our goals and overcoming obstacles. It gives us the strength and determination to persevere even when things get tough.
    2. A strong belief system can be a guiding light in our lives, helping us to make important decisions and stay true to our values.
    3. Whether it's faith in a higher power, confidence in ourselves, or trust in others, our beliefs shape who we are and what we stand for.
    4. Without belief, life can feel empty and meaningless. It is our convictions that give us purpose and direction, and help us to create a better world.
    5. In an uncertain and ever-changing world, having faith in something can bring a sense of stability and security. It reminds us that there is always hope and a reason to keep going.