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1. Happy - 快乐的She was happy to see her old friend again.He had a happy childhood filled...

1. Happy - 快乐的

  • She was happy to see her old friend again.
  • He had a happy childhood filled with laughter and love.
  • The news of their engagement made everyone happy.
  • 2. Delighted - 高兴的

  • I was delighted to hear that I had been accepted into the program.
  • The children were delighted with their new toys.
  • She was delighted by the surprise party her friends had planned for her.
  • 3. Joyful - 愉快的

  • The sight of the beautiful sunset filled her heart with joy.
  • He felt joyful as he watched his daughter take her first steps.
  • The whole family was joyful when they heard the good news.
  • 4. Ecstatic - 狂喜的

  • She was ecstatic when she found out she had won the lottery.
  • He was ecstatic after his team won the championship.
  • The crowd was ecstatic as the band played their favorite song.
  • 5. Overjoyed - 欣喜若狂的

  • She was overjoyed to hear that she had been accepted into her dream school.
  • He was overjoyed when he saw his wife walking down the aisle on their wedding day.
  • The children were overjoyed when they found out they were going to Disney World.



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