1. 天下无双:unrivaled in the world
- His skills are truly unrivaled in the world of martial arts. 他的武艺真是天下无双。
- The beauty of the Taj Mahal is unrivaled in the world. 泰姬陵的美丽是天下无双的。
- Her talent for singing is unmatched by anyone else in the industry. 她的唱歌才华无人能及。
- The quality of their products is unmatched in the market. 他们的产品质量在市场上无与伦比。
- The army was considered invincible due to their advanced weaponry. 由于他们先进的武器装备,这支军队被认为是无敌的。
- His talent and hard work made him feel invincible. 他的才华和努力让他感觉自己无敌。
- The beauty of the sunset over the ocean was peerless. 海上日落的美丽是绝世的。
- His knowledge of ancient history was peerless among his peers. 他对古代历史的了解在同龄人中是绝世的。
- Her dedication to her craft is unmatched by anyone else in the industry. 她对自己的工艺的投入是无可匹敌的。
- Their customer service is unmatched in the market. 他们的客户服务在市场上无可匹敌。
2. 无与伦比:unmatched
3. 无敌:invincible
4. 绝世:peerless
5. 无可匹敌:unmatched