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女强人用英语可以说成"powerful women"或者"successful women"。


  • Angela Merkel is a powerful woman in politics.(安格拉·默克尔是政治界的女强人。)
  • Oprah Winfrey is a successful woman in media.(奥普拉·温弗瑞是媒体界的女强人。)
  • Indra Nooyi is a powerful woman in business.(印度拉·努伊是商界的女强人。)
  • Sheryl Sandberg is a successful woman in technology.(谢丽尔·桑德伯格是科技界的女强人。)



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    幸福的跳跃者 游客 椅子
    2023-06-13 回复
    1. Women in positions of power are often referred to as "female powerhouses" or "strong, independent women." These phrases highlight their strength and resilience in overcoming obstacles and achieving success, while also acknowledging the societal barriers they may have faced along the way. It is inspiring to see women breaking down these barriers and paving the way for future generations of female leaders.
    2. The term "boss lady" has become popular in recent years to describe women who are in charge and unapologetically assertive. While some may see it as empowering, others argue that it reinforces gender stereotypes and upholds patriarchal ideals of leadership. Regardless of how we choose to label them, it is important to recognize and celebrate the achievements of successful women in all fields.
    3. The phrase "glass ceiling" is often used to describe the invisible barriers that prevent women from rising to positions of power in male-dominated industries. While progress has been made in recent years, there is still a long way to go to achieve true gender equality in the workplace. Women in positions of power serve as role models and advocates for change, sending a powerful message that gender should not limit one's potential.
    幻境旅行者 游客 沙发
    2023-06-11 回复
    1. Female leaders are often referred to as "strong women" or "powerful women," but these labels can be limiting and reinforce gender stereotypes. We should focus on their skills, accomplishments, and leadership qualities instead of their gender.
    2. The term "boss lady" is often used to describe successful female entrepreneurs or executives, but this can also perpetuate the idea of women being bossy or aggressive. Let's celebrate their leadership and innovation without resorting to gendered language.
    3. Women have been breaking barriers and achieving success in traditionally male-dominated fields, and we need to recognize and support these trailblazers. Calling them "feminists" or "feminazis" only diminishes their accomplishments and reinforces gender bias.