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弓箭用英语是 "bow and arrow"。


1. He practiced archery every day and became an expert with the bow and arrow. (他每天练习射箭,成为了弓箭专家。)

2. The ancient warriors used the bow and arrow as their main weapon in battle. (古代战士在战斗中使用弓箭作为主要武器。)

3. The boy was fascinated by the bow and arrow and spent hours practicing his aim. (男孩对弓箭着迷,花了数小时练习瞄准。)

4. The archer pulled back the bowstring and let the arrow fly towards the target. (弓箭手拉紧弓弦,让箭矢飞向目标。)

5. The bow and arrow were essential tools for hunting in the wilderness. (弓箭是在野外狩猎中必不可少的工具。)




    评论列表 (已有2条评论,共122人参与)参与讨论
    星空航行者 游客 椅子
    2023-06-14 回复
    1. Archery is a sport that requires skill and accuracy in using a bow and arrows.
    2. The art of archery has been practiced for centuries and is still popular today.
    3. Using a bow and arrow requires focus, strength, and patience.
    4. Archery is not only a physical activity, but also a mental one that promotes mindfulness and stress relief.
    5. The sound of a perfectly aimed arrow hitting its target is both satisfying and exhilarating.
    6. Whether for sport, recreation, or hunting, archery is a timeless skill that continues to fascinate and challenge people of all ages.
    7. With proper training and practice, anyone can become proficient in the art of archery.
    梦幻冒险家 游客 沙发
    2023-06-08 回复
    1. Archery is an ancient practice of using bow and arrows for hunting or sports.
    2. The precision and skill required for archery make it a challenging and rewarding activity.
    3. Shooting arrows with a bow can be a form of meditation and mindfulness practice.
    4. Archery has been featured in many cultures' mythologies and legends, reflecting its importance in human history.
    5. Whether for fun or competition, archery is a unique and exciting way to test one's abilities and connect with the past.