1. He lost his sight in a car accident and became blind. 他在车祸中失去了视力,成为了盲人。
2. The school provides special education for blind students. 学校为盲生提供特殊教育。
3. Blind people often rely on other senses such as touch and hearing to navigate their environment. 盲人通常依靠触觉和听觉等其他感官来适应环境。
4. The organization works to improve the lives of blind people through advocacy and support. 该组织通过倡导和支持来改善盲人的生活。
5. She was born blind, but she has never let it hold her back from pursuing her dreams. 她天生失明,但她从未因此而放弃追求梦想。
2. Without sight, one must rely on other senses to navigate the world, leading to a heightened awareness and appreciation for sound, touch, and smell.
3. Blindness can be caused by various factors, including genetics, injury, or disease, and it can occur at any age.
4. The challenges faced by those who are blind should not be underestimated, but with support and resources, they can lead fulfilling and independent lives.
5. It is important to raise awareness and advocate for accessibility and equality for people with visual impairments.
2. Blindness can be a major challenge, but with determination and support, individuals with visual impairments can overcome many obstacles.
3. Lack of vision can be isolating and frustrating, but advancements in technology and accessibility have improved the quality of life for those with blindness.
4. The loss of sight is not only a physical disability but can also have emotional and psychological impacts, highlighting the need for holistic support.
5. Despite the challenges, many individuals with blindness have accomplished great things, proving that visual impairment does not define their abilities or potential.
2. The idea of never being able to see the beauty of the world again is heartbreaking.
3. Blindness may take away one sense, but it can also heighten others, leading to a whole new way of experiencing the world.
4. It's important to remember that those who are blind are still capable of leading fulfilling, productive lives with the right support and resources.
5. The impact of blindness extends beyond just the individual affected, as it can also have a significant impact on their loved ones and caregivers.
2. Blindness is not just a physical disability, but also a social and emotional challenge.
3. The loss of sight can be a difficult adjustment, but with support and resources, blind individuals can continue to lead fulfilling lives.
4. It is important for society to recognize and accommodate the needs of the blind community.
5. Blindness does not define a person; their abilities and character are what truly matter.