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1. 继续深造用英语怎么说:continue further educationAfter completing my undergraduate degree, I deci...

1. 继续深造用英语怎么说:continue further education

  • After completing my undergraduate degree, I decided to continue further education by pursuing a Master's degree.
  • She is planning to continue further education and enroll in a PhD program next year.
  • 2. 继续深造用英语怎么说:pursue advanced studies

  • He wants to pursue advanced studies in the field of artificial intelligence.
  • She is determined to pursue advanced studies in law and become a successful lawyer.
  • 3. 继续深造用英语怎么说:further one's education

  • Many professionals choose to further their education by taking courses or attending conferences.
  • She believes that it's important to further her education in order to stay competitive in her career.
  • 4. 继续深造用英语怎么说:continue academic pursuits

  • He is committed to continuing his academic pursuits and contributing to the field of science.
  • She has always been passionate about learning and plans to continue her academic pursuits by pursuing a PhD degree.
  • 5. 继续深造用英语怎么说:advance one's knowledge

  • By continuing to advance his knowledge in the field of finance, he was able to secure a promotion at work.
  • She is eager to advance her knowledge in the field of psychology and make a positive impact in people's lives.
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