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1. 第一遍用英语怎么说:How do you say it in English for the first time?

  • 我第一遍用英语怎么说这个单词?(How do I say this word in English for the first time?)
  • 第一遍用英语怎么说这个句子?(How do you say this sentence in English for the first time?)
  • 我第一遍用英语怎么表达这个意思?(How do I express this meaning in English for the first time?)
  • 2. 第一次用英语怎么说:How do you say it in English for the first time?

  • 这是我第一次用英语和外国人交流。(This is my first time speaking English with foreigners.)
  • 第一次用英语怎么说这个词?(How do you say this word in English for the first time?)
  • 你第一次用英语怎么表达这个想法?(How did you express this idea in English for the first time?)
  • 3. 第一遍说英语:The first time speaking English

  • 我第一遍说英语的时候很紧张。(I was nervous the first time speaking English.)
  • 第一遍说英语的时候,我发现我的发音有些问题。(I realized I had some pronunciation problems the first time speaking English.)
  • 第一遍说英语的时候,我觉得我的语法很糟糕。(I thought my grammar was terrible the first time speaking English.)
  • 4. 英语初次尝试:First attempt at English

  • 这是我第一次尝试用英语写作。(This is my first attempt at writing in English.)
  • 我第一次尝试用英语做演讲。(I made my first attempt at giving a speech in English.)
  • 第一次尝试用英语交流的经历让我感到很兴奋。(My first attempt at communicating in English was an exciting experience.)
  • 5. 英语初体验:First experience with English

  • 这是我第一次体验英语文化。(This is my first experience with English culture.)
  • 我第一次体验英语教学的时候感到很困惑。(I was confused during my first experience with English teaching.)
  • 第一次体验英语口语考试的时候,我感到很紧张。(I was nervous during my first experience with an English speaking test.)
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