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1. 彻底用英语怎么说:thoroughlyHe thoroughly cleaned the house before the guests arrived.She thor...

1. 彻底用英语怎么说:thoroughly

  • He thoroughly cleaned the house before the guests arrived.
  • She thoroughly enjoyed the concert.
  • The company conducted a thorough investigation into the incident.
  • 2. 彻底改变用英语怎么说:completely change

  • After the accident, his outlook on life completely changed.
  • The new management team completely changed the company's strategy.
  • She decided to completely change her hairstyle.
  • 3. 彻底消失用英语怎么说:disappear completely

  • The sun disappeared completely behind the clouds.
  • The old building has disappeared completely from the city skyline.
  • The evidence seems to have disappeared completely.
  • 4. 彻底失败用英语怎么说:fail completely

  • The project failed completely due to lack of funding.
  • His attempt to win her back failed completely.
  • The company's new product launch failed completely in the market.
  • 5. 彻底放弃用英语怎么说:abandon completely

  • He decided to abandon completely his plan to start his own business.
  • The search was abandoned completely after several days of unsuccessful attempts.
  • She abandoned completely her unhealthy lifestyle and started exercising regularly.



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