1. 胖:overweight;瘦:thin
- She's a bit overweight and wants to lose some pounds. 她有点超重,想减几磅。
- He's always been naturally thin, no matter how much he eats. 他一直都很瘦,不管吃多少。
- She's considered obese and needs to make some lifestyle changes. 她被认为是肥胖,需要改变生活方式。
- He's always been naturally slim and has never had to worry about his weight. 他一直都很苗条,从未担心过体重。
- She's always been a bit plump, but she's happy with her body. 她一直有点丰满,但对自己的身材很满意。
- He's naturally lean and muscular from years of working out. 他天生就很瘦,因为多年的锻炼而肌肉发达。
- She's quite heavy and struggles with mobility issues. 她相当沉重,面临着行动不便的问题。
- He's always been slender and has a very fast metabolism. 他一直都很苗条,新陈代谢很快。
- She's always been a bit chubby, but she's comfortable with her body. 她一直有点圆润,但对自己的身材很自在。
- He's very svelte and has a very streamlined physique. 他非常苗条,身材很流线型。
2. 胖:obese;瘦:slim
3. 胖:plump;瘦:lean
4. 胖:heavy;瘦:slender
5. 胖:chubby;瘦:svelte