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1. 优盘:USB flash drive

  • I always carry a USB flash drive with important documents in case I need to access them on the go. (我总是携带一个带有重要文件的优盘,以防需要在外出时访问它们。)
  • Make sure to back up your files on a USB flash drive so you don't lose them. (一定要将文件备份到优盘上,以免丢失。)
  • 2. 闪存盘:Flash drive

  • My computer doesn't have a CD drive, so I use a flash drive to install software. (我的电脑没有光驱,所以我使用闪存盘安装软件。)
  • You can easily transfer photos from your phone to your computer using a flash drive. (您可以使用闪存盘轻松将照片从手机传输到电脑。)
  • 3. 存储器:Memory stick

  • I prefer using a memory stick over a CD to store music files. (我更喜欢使用存储器存储音乐文件,而不是使用 CD。)
  • Memory sticks are a convenient way to transfer data between devices. (存储器是在设备之间传输数据的便捷方式。)
  • 4. 移动存储设备:Portable storage device

  • A portable storage device is a must-have for anyone who needs to carry important data with them. (对于需要随身携带重要数据的人来说,移动存储设备是必备的。)
  • There are many different types of portable storage devices, including USB drives and external hard drives. (有许多不同类型的移动存储设备,包括 USB 驱动器和外部硬盘驱动器。)
  • 5. 存储棒:Storage stick

  • Storage sticks are a convenient way to store and transfer data. (存储棒是存储和传输数据的便捷方式。)
  • You can easily fit a storage stick in your pocket or purse for on-the-go access to your files. (您可以轻松地将存储棒放在口袋或钱包里,以便随时访问您的文件。)



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