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1. 完整用英语怎么说:How to say it in English completely?Can you tell me how to say this sentence...

1. 完整用英语怎么说:How to say it in English completely?

  • Can you tell me how to say this sentence in English completely?
  • I'm not sure if I can express myself in English completely.
  • She always speaks English completely without any mistakes.
  • 2. 列出几组完整用英语怎么说中英双语例句:List some bilingual examples of how to say it in English completely.

  • 你能告诉我这个句子完整的英语怎么说吗?Can you tell me how to say this sentence in English completely?
  • 他不确定自己能不能完整地用英语表达自己。He's not sure if he can express himself completely in English.
  • 她总是完整地讲英语,没有任何错误。She always speaks English completely without any mistakes.
  • 3. 例句用

  • 标签,不要全部用英语回答:Use
  • tags for the examples and don't answer all in English.

  • 你知道怎么用这个软件吗?Do you know how to use this software?
  • 我在学习如何用英语进行交流。I'm learning how to communicate in English.
  • 他们正在讨论如何解决这个问题。They're discussing how to solve this problem.
  • 4. 最后一行写上最多5个TAGS:Add up to 5 tags at the end.

  • English
  • language learning
  • communication
  • bilingual
  • vocabulary
  • 返回列表



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