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1. 做好准备 - Be prepared

  • We need to be prepared for any possible scenario. - 我们需要为可能出现的任何情况做好准备。
  • She always does her best to be prepared for exams. - 她总是尽力为考试做好准备。
  • Let's make sure we are fully prepared before we start the project. - 让我们确保在开始项目之前做好充分的准备。
  • 2. 准备工作 - Preparation work

  • We have a lot of preparation work to do before the event. - 活动之前我们有很多准备工作要做。
  • The team spent several weeks doing preparation work for the new product launch. - 团队花了几周时间为新产品发布做准备工作。
  • It's important to complete all the preparation work before starting a project. - 在开始一个项目之前完成所有的准备工作是很重要的。
  • 3. 准备好 - Be ready

  • Are you ready to go? - 你准备好了吗?
  • We need to be ready for any challenges that may come our way. - 我们需要为可能出现的任何挑战做好准备。
  • He's always ready to help whenever we need him. - 无论何时我们需要他,他总是准备好帮助。
  • 4. 做准备工作 - Do preparation work

  • We need to do some preparation work before we can start the project. - 在我们开始项目之前,我们需要做一些准备工作。
  • She spent several hours doing preparation work for the meeting. - 她花了几个小时为会议做准备工作。
  • It's important to do enough preparation work to ensure the success of the project. - 做足够的准备工作以确保项目的成功是很重要的。
  • 5. 准备充分 - Be well-prepared

  • We were well-prepared for the exam and felt confident going into it. - 我们为考试做好了充分的准备,进入考场时感到自信。
  • The team was well-prepared for the presentation and it went smoothly. - 团队为演示做好了充分的准备,进行得很顺利。
  • She always makes sure to be well-prepared for any important meetings. - 她总是确保为任何重要的会议做好充分的准备。
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