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1. Become popular:变得流行Her music has become popular all over the world.These shoes have b...

1. Become popular:变得流行

  • Her music has become popular all over the world.
  • These shoes have become popular among teenagers.
  • The game has become popular due to its addictive nature.
  • 2. Gain popularity:获得流行

  • The band gained popularity after their hit single was released.
  • This social media platform has gained popularity in recent years.
  • The restaurant gained popularity for its unique menu.
  • 3. Rise to fame:走红

  • The actor rose to fame after starring in a blockbuster movie.
  • The fashion designer rose to fame after dressing a famous celebrity.
  • The singer rose to fame after winning a popular singing competition.
  • 4. Trending:成为趋势

  • This hairstyle is trending among young people.
  • The hashtag started trending on social media after a viral video was posted.
  • Plant-based diets are currently trending in the health and wellness community.
  • 5. Go viral:走红

  • The video went viral on social media and was shared millions of times.
  • The meme went viral and was used in various online communities.
  • The song went viral after a popular influencer shared it on their platform.



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