1. 春季:Spring
- The flowers bloom in spring.(春天花开了。)
- I love to go for a walk in the park in the spring.(我喜欢在春天去公园散步。)
- We usually go to the beach in the summer.(我们通常在夏天去海滩。)
- The weather is hot and humid in the summer.(夏天天气炎热潮湿。)
- The leaves change color in the fall.(秋天叶子变色了。)
- I like to drink hot apple cider in the autumn.(我喜欢在秋天喝热苹果酒。)
- We usually get a lot of snow in the winter.(我们通常在冬天会下很多雪。)
- I like to drink hot cocoa by the fire in the winter.(我喜欢在冬天靠火炉喝热可可。)
2. 夏季:Summer
3. 秋季:Autumn/Fall
4. 冬季:Winter