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1. 尽力做某事:try one's best to do somethingHe tried his best to finish the project on time.S...

1. 尽力做某事:try one's best to do something

  • He tried his best to finish the project on time.
  • She always tries her best to be a good mother.
  • We need to try our best to reduce carbon emissions.
  • 2. 竭尽全力:go all out

  • The team went all out to win the championship.
  • She went all out to prepare for the exam.
  • He went all out to save money for his dream trip.
  • 3. 努力争取:strive for

  • We should strive for a better future for our children.
  • She strives for excellence in everything she does.
  • He is striving for a promotion at work.
  • 4. 全力以赴:give it one's all

  • He gave it his all in the final game of the season.
  • She gave it her all to complete the marathon.
  • We need to give it our all to achieve our goals.
  • 5. 不遗余力:spare no effort

  • They spared no effort to rescue the trapped miners.
  • She spared no effort to make the event a success.
  • We should spare no effort to protect the environment.



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