章子怡用阿拉伯语怎么说 1. "Hello, my name is Zhang Ziyi.""مرحبا، اسمي زهانغ زيي."2. "I am an actress from China.""أنا ممثلة من الصين....
法语单词绝美怎么说的英语 The French word "joli" can be translated to "beautiful" or "pretty" in English.Example sentences:- Cette robe est v...
送你离开阿拉伯语怎么说 1. "أرسلك للرحيل" (Arabic) - I send you off to leave.2. "Ana a'arifu annaka turiid an takhruj" (Arabic) - I know that you wan...
啊法语你好怎么说 I'mgladtoseeyou.)Bonjour!Commentçava?J'espèrequevousêtesprêtspourcetteréunion.(Helloeveryone!...
阿拉伯语学生对话怎么说 الدرسهوالرياضيات.B:B:wewillneedyourcontributioninthecomingperiod.B:ItsuitsmeonWednesday.A:...