足球场用英语怎么说 足球场用英语可以说football field、soccer field、pitch等。The football field is where the game is played.The soccer field is surrounded by a fence.They practic...
法语生活翻译英文怎么说 enjoyingarelaxedlifestyle.法国的美食文化是世界闻名的,witheachregionhavingitsownuniquespecialtydishes.法国人注重品味和时尚。...
栏目用英语怎么说 1.新闻栏目-NewssectionThelatestnewsfromaroundtheworldcanbefoundinournewssection.我们的新闻栏目提供来自全球的最新消息。...
我玩不来用西班牙语怎么说 I can't play soccer very well.No puedo jugar al fútbol muy bien.I'm not good at playing the guitar.No se me da bien tocar la guitarra.I struggle...