了不起用日语怎么说:すごい (sugoi)
1. あの選手はすごい!(Ano senshu wa sugoi!) - That athlete is amazing!
2. 彼女の料理はすごい美味しい。(Kanojo no ryori wa sugoi oishii.) - Her cooking is incredibly delicious.
3. 今日の試合はすごい緊張感があった。(Kyou no shiai wa sugoi kinchoukan ga atta.) - Today's game had an incredible sense of tension.
4. あの映画はすごい感動的だった。(Ano eiga wa sugoi kandouteki datta.) - That movie was incredibly moving.
5. 彼はすごい才能を持っている。(Kare wa sugoi sainou wo motteiru.) - He has incredible talent.