投资法语怎么说英文翻译:How to say investment in French?
1. 投资组合:portefeuille d'investissement,Investment portfolio
- 我的投资组合包括股票、债券和房地产。
- My investment portfolio includes stocks, bonds, and real estate.
- 这个项目吸引了很多投资者的关注。
- This project has attracted the attention of many investors.
- 我们需要评估投资回报率来决定是否继续投资。
- We need to evaluate the investment return rate to decide whether to continue investing.
- 我们必须考虑到投资风险,以便做出明智的决定。
- We must take into account the investment risk in order to make wise decisions.
- 我们需要制定一项有效的投资策略来实现我们的目标。
- We need to develop an effective investment strategy to achieve our goals.
2. 投资者:investisseur,Investor
3. 投资回报率:taux de rendement de l'investissement,Investment return rate
4. 投资风险:risque d'investissement,Investment risk
5. 投资策略:stratégie d'investissement,Investment strategy