The third-level meeting in French is called "réunion de niveau trois" in Engli...
The third-level meeting in French is called "réunion de niveau trois" in English. Here are some examples of third-level meeting phrases in both French and English:
- La réunion de niveau trois est prévue pour le 15 septembre. (The third-level meeting is scheduled for September 15th.)
- Les participants à la réunion de niveau trois doivent avoir une connaissance approfondie du sujet. (Participants in the third-level meeting must have a deep understanding of the topic.)
- La réunion de niveau trois portera sur la stratégie de l'entreprise pour l'année prochaine. (The third-level meeting will focus on the company's strategy for next year.)
- Les décisions prises lors de la réunion de niveau trois seront communiquées aux niveaux inférieurs de l'organisation. (Decisions made at the third-level meeting will be communicated to lower levels of the organization.)