1. "La Beauté du Silence" (The Beauty of Silence)2. "L'Écho de l'Âme"...
1. "La Beauté du Silence" (The Beauty of Silence)
2. "L'Écho de l'Âme" (The Echo of the Soul)
3. "Le Chant des Étoiles" (The Song of the Stars)
4. "Les Couleurs du Ciel" (The Colors of the Sky)
5. "La Danse de la Vie" (The Dance of Life)
- "La Musique de l'Âme" (The Music of the Soul)
- "L'Harmonie du Monde" (The Harmony of the World)
- "Le Voyage de l'Esprit" (The Journey of the Spirit)
- "La Magie de l'Instant" (The Magic of the Moment)
- "Les Rêves Éternels" (The Eternal Dreams)