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1. Fall in love with the German language

  • Ever since I started learning German, I have fallen in love with the language.
  • She fell in love with the German language and decided to study abroad in Berlin.
  • He fell in love with the German language and culture while traveling through Europe.
  • 2. Get hooked on German

  • After taking a few German classes, I got hooked on the language and couldn't stop learning.
  • She got hooked on German after watching a German movie and started learning the language on her own.
  • He got hooked on German music and started taking classes to understand the lyrics better.
  • 3. Develop a passion for German

  • Over time, I developed a passion for the German language and culture.
  • She developed a passion for German literature and started reading German books in their original language.
  • He developed a passion for German history and started taking classes to learn more about it.
  • 4. Fall head over heels for German

  • From the moment I started learning German, I fell head over heels for the language.
  • She fell head over heels for German after visiting Germany and experiencing the culture firsthand.
  • He fell head over heels for German after hearing a German song and being moved by the lyrics.
  • 5. Tags: German, language learning, culture, passion, love




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